Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Georgia Language Arts Performance Standards!


Technology in the classroom

The use of technology in classrooms has its advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages are the ability to help students change with time, give more hands on and visible activities, aiding in the promotion of the use of their imagination, more teaching strategies, and many more. The list of disadvantages are less and irrelevant overall. Times are rapidly changing. Technology is becoming more prevalent in today’s society. Using it in the classroom will help students in their future. It helps them use their imagination and creativity during learning exercises. Programs that are available, gives students opportunities to explore and gain knowledge in every subject. Exploration is not always good. Technology, the internet, offers a lot of information that is not always conducive to the learning environment. There is a lot of inappropriate material out there and it is hard to censor the students from it. I believe in using technology in my classroom though. The good must outweigh the bad and you must look for a positive outcome.